Contact Ismail Faruqi Online

We value your input and are eager to hear from you. Whether you have suggestions, comments, or specific requests, please feel free to contact Ismail Faruqi Online. Use the form below to get in touch, and we will respond to your message as soon as possible.

    Why Contact Ismail Faruqi Online?

    Ismail Faruqi Online is dedicated to fostering a deep understanding of Dr. Ismail al-Faruqi’s work and ideas. We are committed to providing a platform that encourages scholarly discourse, interfaith dialogue, and a profound appreciation for the harmony between Islam and science. By contacting us, you can:

    • Share your insights and suggestions on how we can improve our content and services.
    • Request information on specific topics related to Dr. al-Faruqi’s work.
    • Provide feedback on your experience with our website and resources.
    • Ask questions or seek clarification on any content you find on our site.
    • Connect with us for potential collaborations or contributions.

    Response Time

    We strive to respond to all inquiries within 2-3 business days. However, during peak times or holidays, our response may take a little longer. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Before contacting us, you might find the answer to your question in our FAQ section below.

    Who was Dr. Ismail al-Faruqi?

    Dr. Ismail al-Faruqi was a prominent Palestinian-American philosopher, known for his work in Islamic studies and interfaith dialogue. He emphasized the integration of Islamic principles with modern scientific inquiry.

    What topics does Ismail Faruqi Online cover?

    Our platform covers a wide range of topics including Islamic philosophy, interfaith dialogue, and the scholarly contributions of Dr. Ismail al-Faruqi.

    How can I contribute to Ismail Faruqi Online?

    We welcome contributions from scholars and enthusiasts. Please use the contact form to reach out to us with your proposal or idea.

    How can I stay updated with the latest content?

    You can regularly visit our website to stay updated with our latest content and events.

    Privacy Policy

    Your privacy is important to us. Any information you provide will be used solely to respond to your inquiry. We do not share your personal information with third parties without your consent. For more details, please read our Privacy Policy.


    Thank you for your interest in Ismail Faruqi Online. We look forward to connecting with you and appreciate your contributions to our community. By contacting us, you help us improve and provide better content and services to our audience.