Home Bibliography


A list of publications by Dr. Ismail al-Faruqi appears in the list as follows.


(1953) From Here We Start, tr. from the Arabic of K.M. Khalid. Washington, DC: American Council of Learned Societies
(1953) Our Beginning in Wisdom, tr. from the Arabic of M. al Ghazali. Washington, DC: American Council of Learned Societies
(1953) The Policy of Tomorrow, tr. from the Arabic of M. B. Ghali. Washington, DC: American Council of Learned Societies
(1962) `Urubah and Religion: An Analysis of the Dominant Ideas of Arabism and of Islam as Its Heights Moment of Consciousness, vol. 1 of On Arabism, Amsterdam: Djambatan
(1964) Usul al Sahyuniyah fi al Din al Yahudi (An Analytical Study of the Growth of Particularism in Hebrew Scripture). Cairo: Institute of Higher Arabic Studies
(1968) Christian Ethics: A Systematic and Historical Analysis of Its Dominant Ideas. Montreal: McGill University Press and Amsterdam: Djambatan, Amsterdam
(1968) Al Milal al Mu’asirah fi al Din al Yahudi (Contemporary Sects in Judaism). Cairo: Institute of Higher Arabic Studies
(1969) The Great Asian Religions, in collaboration with W.T. Chan, P.T. Raju and J. Kitagawa. New York: Macmillan
(1975) Historical Atlas of the Religions of the World. New York: Macmillan
(1976) The Life of Muhammad. tr. and ed. from the Arabic of M.H. Haykal. Indianapolis: North American Islamic Trust
(1980) Sources of Islamic Thought: Three Epistles on Tawhid by Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al Wahhab, tr. and ed. Indianapolis: American Trust Publications
(1980) Sources of Islamic Thought: Kitab al Tawhid, tr. from the Arabic of Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab and ed. London: IIFSO
(1980) Islam and Culture. Kuala Lumpur: Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia
(1980) Islam and the Problem of Israel. London: The Islamic Council of Europe ISBN 983954134X
(1981) Social and Natural Sciences, ed. with A. O. Naseef. Sevenoaks, UK: Hodder and Stoughton, and Jeddah: King Abdulaziz University
(1981) The Hijrah: The Necessity of Its Iqamat or Vergegenwartigung, ABIM: Kuala Lumpur
(1982) Essays in Islamic and Comparative Studies, ed. Herndon, VA: IIIT
(1982) Islamic Thought and Culture, ed. Herndon, VA: IIIT
(1982) Trialogue of the Abrahamic Faiths, ed. Herndon, VA: IIIT ISBN 0915957256
(1982) Islamization of Knowledge. Herndon, VA: IIIT
(1982) Tawhid: Its Implications For Thought And Life. Kuala Lumpur: IIIT
(1985) Islam. Beltsville, MD: Amana Publications
(1986) The Cultural Atlas of Islam. New York: Macmillan


  • “On the Ethics of the Brethren of Purity and Friends of Fidelity (Ikhwan al Safa wa Khillan al Wafa’),” The Muslim World, vol. L, no. 2, pp. 109-21; no. 4, pp. 252-58; vol. LI, no. 1, pp. 18-24
  • “On the Significance of Reinhold Niebuhr’s Ideas of Society,” Canadian Journal of Theology, vol. VII, no. 2, pp. 99-107. Reprinted in Muslim Life, vol. XI, no. 3 (Summer 1964): 5-14
  • “A Comparison of the Islamic and Christian Approaches to Hebrew Scripture,” Journal of Bible and Religions vol. XXXI, no. 4, pp. 283-93
  • “Muhadarat fi Tarikh al Adyan” (“Lectures on the History of Religions”), a précis of lectures delivered in the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, vol. 21, no. 1 (May 1959, published 1963), Cairo: Cairo University Press, pp. 65-74.
  • “Towards a New Methodology of Qur’anic Exegesis,” Islamic Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 35-52; reprinted in Muslim Life, vol. XI, no. 1 (January-March 1964): 4-18.
  • “Towards a Historiogaphy of Pre-Hijrah Islam” Islamic Studies, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 65-87
  • “On the Raison d’Etre of the Ummah,” Islamic Studies vol. II, no. 2, pp. 159-203
  • “Nazariyat Islami Dawlat,” (in Urdu) Chiragh-i-Rah, Nazariyat Pakistan Number (December 1960): 383-89; ibid., in English, “The Nature of the Islamic State,” The Voice of Islam, vol. IX, no. 4 (January 1961): 169-77
  • “History of Religions: Its Nature and Significance for Christian Education and the Muslim-Christian Dialogue,” Numen: International Review for the History of Religions, vol. XII, fasc. 2, pp. 81-86 (this article was followed by “In Response to Dr. Faruqi,” by Professor Bernard E. Meland of the University of Chicago, Numen, vol. XII fasc. 2, pp. 87-95)
  • “Al Nazzam,” Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition
  • “Pakistan and the Islamic Imperative,” Islamic Literature, 1966, no. 1, pp. 1-10
  • “The Self in Mu’tazilah Thought” International Philosophical Quarterly, vol. CI, no. 3 (September 1966): pp. 366-88; also in East-West Studies on the Problem of the Self ed. P. T. Raju and Albury Castell. The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1968, pp. 87-107
  • “Science and Traditional Values in Islamic Society,” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, vol. 11, no. 3 (September 1967): 231-46; also in Science and the Human Condition in India and Pakistan, ed. W. Morehouse. New York: The Rockefeller University Press, 1968
  • “Islam and Christianity: Prospects for Dialogue,” The Sacred Heart Messenger (September 1967): 29-33
  • “Islam and Christianity: Diatribe or Dialogue,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, vol. V, no. 1 (1968): 45-77
  • “Islam and Christianity: Problems and Perspectives,” The Word in the Third World, ed. James P. Cotter. Washington-Cleveland: Corpus Books, 1976, pp. 159-181; comments on pp. 181-220
  • “The Problem of the Metaphysical Status of Values in the Western and Islamic Traditions,” Studia Islamica, fasc. XXVIII (1968): 29-62
  • “The Ideal Social Order in the Arab World, 1800-1968,” Journal of Church and State, vol. XI, no. 2 (Spring 1969): 239-51
  • “Forward: Six Basic Economic Principles in Islam,” Proceedings of the Third East Coast Regional Conference. Gary, IN: Muslim Students’ Association, 1968, pp. 1-8
  • “The Challenge of Western Ideas for Islam,” Islamic Literature, (September 1969): 1-6
  • “Misconceptions of the Nature of the Work of Art in Islam,” Islam and the Modern Age, vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1970): 29-449
  • “On the Nature of the Work of Art Islam”, Islam and the Modern Age, vol. 1, no. 2 (August 1970): 68-81
  • “lslam and Art”, Studia Islamica, fasc. XXXVII (1973): 81-109
  • “lntroduction” Proceedings of the Third National Seminar of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Gary, IN: Association of Muslim Social Scientists, 1974, pp. v-ix
  • “The Essence of Religious Experience in Islam”, Numen, vol. XX, fasc. 3. pp. 186-201
  • “Internal Dynamics of the Muslim Community,” Al-Ittihad, vol. XII, no. 3 (Summer 1975): 2-7
  • “Al Asas al Mushtarak bayna al Islam wa al Masihiyah,” Al `Ilm wa al Imam, no. 6, 1396/1976, pp. 64-87
  • “Al Muslimun fi Amrika”, Majallah al Buhuth al Islamiyah vol. 1, no. 2 (1976): 590-93
  • “Islam wa al Muslimun fi Amrika”, Al Shabab al ‘Arabi (November 1, 1976): 3; (November 8, 1976): 34; (November 15, 1976): 34; (November 22, 1976): 11
  • “The Muslim-Christian Dialogue: A Constructionist View,” Islam and the Modern Age, vol. VIII, no. 1 (Febuary 1977): 5-36
  • “Adapting the Qur’an!”, Impact International vol. 7:4 (February- March 1977 / Rabi’al 1397): 10-11
  • “Moral Values in Medicine and Science,” Biosciences Communications, vol. III, no. 1 (1977); reprinted in Journal of the Islamic Medical Association
  • “Al Ijtihad wa al Ijma’ ka Tarafay al Dinamikiyah fi al Islam”, Al Muslim al Mu’asir, no. 9 (March 1977): 5 – 18
  • “Islam and the Social Sciences,” Al-Ittihad vol. XIV, nos. 1-2, (January – April 1977): 38-40
  • “Ab’ad al Ibadat fi al Islam,” Al Muslim al Mu’asir, no. 10 (1977 / 1397): 25-38
  • “Central Asia Report: Muslims Survive,” Impact International (October 1977): 14-5
  • “Islam and Other Faiths” in The Challenge of lslam, ed. Altaf Gauhar. London: Islamic Council of Europe, 1978, pp. 82-111
  • “Islam and Architecture,” The Muslim Scientist, vol. VII, nos. 1- 2 (March-June 1978): 14-22
  • “Our Moral Dilemma,” The Voice of Islam, vol. VIII, no. 5 (February 1978): 9-11
  • “Uber das Wesen der Islamischen Da’wa,” Al-lslam, no. 2/77, pp. 2-8
  • “Nahnu wa al Gharb” (We and the West), Al Muslim al Mu’ asir no. 11 (July 1977): 21-35
  • “On The Nature of Islamic Da’wah” and “Commentaries” on Christian Missions in the Muslim World, International Review of Mission, vol. LXV, no. 260 (October 1976): 391-400; 385-460; reprinted in Risalah (February 1977): 2-6
  • “On the Metaphysics of Ethics in Islam,” Listening: Journal of Culture and Religion, vol 14, no. 1 (Winter 1979): 25-43.
  • “Is the Muslim Definable in Terms of His Economic Pursuits?,” Khurshid Ahmad and Z. Ansari, eds., Islamic Perspectives: Essays in Honor of A. A. Mawdudi, London: The Islamic Foundation, 1979, pp. 183-93.
  • “Divine Transcendence: Its Expression in Christianity and Islam,” World Faiths (London), no. 107 (Spring 1979): 11-19
  • “Islamic Renaissance in Contemporary Society,” Al Ittihad, vol. 15, no. 4 (October 1978): 15-23
  • “Al Mar’ah al Muslimah,” Al Islam, vol. 23, nos. 1-2 (Muharram-Safar 1399 / 1979): 84-90
  • “Islamizing the Social Sciences,” Studies in Islam, vol. XVI, no. 2 (April 1979): 108-21
  • “Islam and the Tehran Hostages,” The Wall Street Journal (November 28, 1979): 24
  • “Rights of Non-Muslims under Islam: Social and Cultural Aspects,” Journal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, vol. I, no. 1 (Summer 1979): 90-102
  • “Controversy over the Moon,” Voice of Islam, vol. 11, no. 1 (March 1980): 3-5
  • “Siyaghah al ‘Ulum al Ijtima’iyah Siyaghah Islamiyah,” Al Muslim al Mu’asir, vol. XX (October – December 1979): 25-41
  • “The Islamic Faith,” Jerusalem: The Key to World Peace. London: Islamic Council of Europe, 1980, pp. 77-105
  • “Stream of Ideas Flows into Social Sciences,” The Times Educational Supplement. London (September 5, 1980): 39
  • “The Role of Islam in Global Interreligious Dependence,” Towards a Global Congress of the World’s Religions, ed. Warren Lewis. Barrytown, NY: Unification Theological Seminary, pp. 19-38
  • “Humanitarian and Egalitarian Aspects of Islamic Law,” Arab Perspectives, I.6 (September 1980): 6-10
  • “Islamic Ideals in North America”, Silver Jubilee Messages Collection, Our Gifts to the World. Korea Muslim Federation (September 1980): 145-59
  • “Umat Islam — Cabaran-cabaran Pemikiran Kini,” Diskusi (Malaysia), vol. 5:12 (December 1980): 2-5
  • “Universiti Negara Membangun — Kearah Mana?,” Panji Masyarakat (Malaysia), December 1980: 5-9
  • “The Living Reality of Faith,” Today’s World, vol. I, no. 4 (December 1980): 20-2
  • “I’adah al Bina’ al Islami wa al Sultah al Siyasiyah,” Al Muslim al Mu’asir, vol. 5, no. 22 (April-June 1980): 37-71
  • “Al Tawhid wa al Fann,” Al Muslim al Mu’asir, part I, vol. 5, no 23 (July-September 1980): 159-80; part II, vol. 5, no. 24 (October-December 1980): 183-96; part III, vol. 7, no 25 (January-March 1981): 137-63
  • “Islam and Labour,” Islam and a New International Economic Order. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, 1980, pp. 79-101
  • “Hak Bukan Islam Dalam Islam,” Diskusi, part I, 5:7/1980 (July-August 1980): 2-5, 48; part II, 5:8/1980 (August-September 1980): 8-12; part III, 5:9/1980 (September-October 1980): 15-8, 51
  • “Islamic Ideals in North America,” SIM News Bulletin, part I, vol. IV, no. 2-3 (February 1981): 23-6; part II, vol. IV, no. 4, pp. 9-14
  • “Islam and Architecture,” Fine Arts in Islamic Civillization, ed. M. A. J. Beg. Kuala Lumpur: The University of Malaya Press, 1981, pp. 99-117
  • “What Is a Muslim?,” Al-Nahdah, vol. 1, no. 1 (March 1981): 4-6
  • “Kuzey Amerika’da Islami idealler,” Yenidevir, Istanbul (Nisan 29, 1981): 6
  • “Islamizing the Social Sciences,” Social and Natural Sciences, ed. Isma’il R. al Faruqi and Abdullah Omar Naseef. Sevenoaks, UK: Hodder and Stoughton, and Jeddah: King Abdulaziz University, 1981, pp. 8-20
  • “The Ummah and Its Civilizational Christ,” (trans.) by AbdulHamid AbuSulayman, Social and Natural Sciences, eds. Isma’il R. al Faruqi and Abdullah O. Naseef. Sevenoaks, UK: Hodder and Stoughton, and Jeddah: King Abdulaziz University, 1981, pp. 100-15
  • “Islamizing the Social Sciences,” Islamika, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): Sarjana Enterprise, 1981, pp. 1-8
  • “Can a Muslim Be Rich?,” The Muslim Reader, vol. 2, no. 3 (December 1980): 2, 11
  • “Huquq Ghayr al Muslimin fi al Dawlah al Islamiyah,” Al Muslim al Mu’asir, vol. 7, no. 26 (April-June 1981): 19-40
  • “Jawhar al Hadarah al Islamiyah,” Al Muslim al Mu’asir, vol. 7, no. 27 (July-September 1981): 9-28
  • “Why Is the Muslim a Muslim?,” Al Nahdah, vol. 1, no. 2 (April-June 1981): 5-7
  • “Islam in North America,” Al Risalah, vol. 6, no. 2 (1981): 28-37.
  • “Al Nahdah al Islamiyah fi al Mujtama’ al Mu’asir,” Al Muslim al Mu’asir, vo’. 7, no. 28 (October-December 1981): 51-67.
  • “Since When Is Anyone a Muslim?,” Al Nahdah, vol. 1, no. 3 (July-August 1981): 4-6.
  • “Al Nahdah al Islamiyah fi al Mujtama’ al Mu’asir,” Al Muslim al Mu’asir, vol. 7, no. 28 (October-December 1981): 51-67.
  • “Moments of the Muslim’s Religious Life,” Al Nahdah, vol. 1, no. 4 (October-December 1981): 5-6.
  • “Islam as Culture and Civilization,” Islam and Contemporary Society. London and New York: Longman and the Islamic Council of Europe, 1982, pp. 140-76.
  • “Jawhar al Hadarah al Islamiyah,” Al Islam wa al Hadarah. Riyadh: Al Nadwah al ‘Alamiyah li al Shahab al Islami, vol. II, 1979, pp. 583-668.
  • “Intention and Works in Islam,” discussion and response, Al Fikr al Islami, Algiers: Ministry of Religious Affairs, 1976, vol. Ill, pp. 135-64.
  • “Al Ab’ad al Ruhiyah, wa al Siyasiyah, wa al Iqtisadiyah, wa al Ijtima’iyah li al ‘Ibadat, wa Ahamiyatuha li Kullin min al Ummah wa al Fard,” discussion and response, Al Fikr al Islami, Algiers: Ministry of Religious Affairs, 1976, vol. IV, pp. 9-24, 71-158.
  • “How the U. S. and Islam Can Work Together,” Arabia, no. 10 (June 1982): 36.
  • “Siyam (Fasting),” Al Nahdah, vol. 2, no. 2 (April-June 1982): 6-7.
  • “Salat (Worship),” Al Nahdah, vol. 2, no. 1 (January-March 1982): 6-7.
  • “On the Nature of Islamic Da’wah,” The Muslim (October 1981): 1-4.
  • “Divine Transcendence and Its Expression,” The Global Congress of the World’s Religions, Proceedings 1980-1982, ed. Henry O. Thompson. New York: The Rose of Sharon Press, 1982, pp. 267-316.
  • “Hisab ma’a al Jami’iyin,” Al Muslim al Mu’asir, vol. 8, no. 31 (May-July 1982): 47-57.
  • “Freedom of Non-Muslims in an Islamic State,” The Muslim Reader, vol. 4, no. 2 (Ramadan 1402 / July 1982): 32-35.
  • “Hicret’in Ihyasi ve Zamanimizda Yeniden Ikamesinin Luzumu,” Milli Gazette, tr. Hamza Kucuk and H. Coskun, twenty installments, (12/26/1402 [ October 13, 1982] to 1/15/1403 [December 1, 1982]).
  • “Islamic ‘Fundamentalism’ and the U.S.A.,” Islamic Fundamentalism by Karim B. Akhtar and Ahmad H. Sakr. Cedar Rapids, IA:Igram Press, 1982, pp.122-25.
  • “Islam and Other Faiths,” 30th International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa, Middle East 1, ed. Graciela de la Lama. Mexico City: El Colegio de Mexico, 1982, pp. 153-79.
  • “The Nation State and Social Order in the Perspective of Islam,” Trialogue of the Abrahamic Faiths. Herndon, VA: HIT, 1982, pp. 47-59.
  • “Aslimah al Ma’rifah,” Al Muslim al Mu’asir, vol. 8, no. 32 (August-October 1982): 9-23.
  • “Islam and the Theory of Nature,” The Islamic Quarterly, vol. XXVI, no. 1 (1982): 16-26.
  • “The Objective of the Seminar,” Knowledge for What? (Proceedings of the Seminar of Islamization of Knowledge, Rabi’ al Awwal 1402 / January 1982) Islamabad: Institute of Education, 1982, pp. ix-xii.
  • “Report of the Seminar,” Knowledge for What? (Proceedings of the Seminar of Islamization of Knowledge, Rabi’ al Awwal 1402 / January 1982), Islamabad: Institute of Education, 1982, pp. xxii-xxvi.
  • “Islamization of Knowledge: The General Principles and the Work-plan,” Knowledge for What? (Proceedings of the Seminar of Islamization of Knowledge, Rabi’ al Awwal, 1402 / January 1982), Islamabad: Institute of Education, 1982, pp. 1-49.
  • “Nahwa Jami’ah Islamiyah,” Al Muslim al Mu’asir, vol. 9, no. 33 (November 1982—January 1983): 47-56.
  • “Islamization of Knowledge: The General Principles and the Work Plan,” reprinted in Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, vol. 3, no. 1 (January-June 1982): 21-69.
  • “Islamic Message and Islamic Vision: A Challenge for Muslims in America,” The Orange Crescent, vol. 9, no. 4 (April 1983): 1-3.
  • “Al Islam wa Farm al ‘Amarah” Al Muslim al Mu ‘asir, vol. 9, no. 34 (February-April 1983): 87-99.

In The Press

  • An Anthology of Readings on Tawhid. Kuwait: IIFSO
  • Training Program for Islamic Youth. Kuwait: IIFSO
  • The Life of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab. Riyadh: The Ministry of Higher Education


  1. Can you tell me whether Dr. Faruqi’s book “Cultural Atlas of Islam” has been translated into French ?

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